Dr. Whitney Weiner, DDS

Clinicians' Videos

Dr. Whitney Weiner from Lakeshore Dental Specialist talks about StellaLife as the best product introduced to their patients.

Video Transcription:

I am Dr. Whitney Weiner, a Periodontist from Lakeshore Dental Specialists in Detroit, Michigan. I am so excited to talk about StellaLife. This is by far our best product for 2024 that we have introduced to your practices. What it's done is it's revolutionized our post-op program. For decades, we were prescribing, not to say myself, but for over a decade, prescribing chlorhexidine nonstop. Every patient, and a lot of soft tissue graphs and things that we were seeing patients come back with yellow, orange teeth, stained. We were spending a lot of time and share time as far as getting those patients back to their brightest smile, with more suture removals, polishing. What this has done is it's revolutionized our patient's happiness. They don't have the stained teeth. They are smiling confidently. Probably, while I don't have a study, what we are seeing is really great feeling as well. Plus, a lot of our dry mouth patients love this for the oral hydration. So by far, best product we have introduced to our patients in our practice.