All-on-6 Dental Implant Procedures Using StellaLife® VEGA® Oral Care Gel (view 2 min video).
All-on-6 procedures performed. Patients had full mouth extractions, and moderate alveolar height reduction performed. The implants placed, multi-units abutments torqued, and flap reapproximated and closed.
Patient at this point in time will need to wait typically for 1 hour for the temporary prosthesis fabricated. The StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Gel applied at the end of the surgical stage.
40 minutes later shows minimal or no swelling, no bleeding and very healthy looking tissue (see video). If the gel was not used, one would anticipate significant swelling after the procedure. In summary, advanced healing was observed.
Warning: the video is graphic in nature and shows before/after procedure and treatment. May not be suitable for all audiences.