Robin Morrison

Oral Cancer Cause (OCC)

"I am absolutely delighted to have been introduced to StellaLife products. Having watched my brother and many other oral cancer patients suffer with ulcers in their mouth, I understand the pain these ulcers cause. They have trouble eating, swallowing and speaking. When Sharman, a friend of mine, shared with me...

Debra Zafiropoulos

Founder of National Cancer Network

"I introduced StellaLife to patients nationwide searching for effective, not toxic, non-opioid options for pain relief, xerostomia, mucositis and that enhance healing holistically. Having StellaLife's VEGA Oral Care is extremely effective and highly desirable for clinicians to dispense conveniently from the office for the immediate relief and benefit to their patients." ...

Kim Miller


"I love having homeopathic products, such as StellaLife, to recommend to my clients and patients. Patients are committed to their health and want to use products that are as natural as possible. My husband uses StellaLife as a periodontal maintenance patient and I have an uncle who used it pre...

Kathryn Gilliam


"In my quest for products to ease the terrible side effects of oral cancer treatment for my patients and friends, I discovered StellaLife VEGA Oral Care products. The fact that it’s a homeopathic product line that eliminates the need for narcotic pain medication was what primarily interested me. The StellaLife...

Deb Roberge


"I was diagnosed with “tongue-tie”. At 73 years old, healthy and very active, I was surprised to learn that this was one of the causes of sleep issues. I could never have managed as well without the help of StellaLife Oral Recovery Kit. The soothing effect was truly welcome as...

Kris Potts


"StellaLife products are homeopathic, relieve pain and promote healing of mouth sores/ulcers induced by oncology treatments. At the same time, they inhibit bacteria that can cause secondary infections. They are especially palatable and with anticipatory use can mitigate, if not prevent many of the debilitating oral issues from oncology treatment,...

Angie Stone

RDH , BS , Author: Dying From Dirty Teeth

"My experience, coupled with my grandmother losing 60% of her teeth in two years while residing in a nursing home, put a fire in my belly to make a difference. In 2015, I founded the HyLife Oral Health Alliance (HOHA). HOHA is committed to enhancing the oral health of older...

Shirley Gutkowski


Shirley Gutkowski, RDH, BSDH, is a popular speaker and author. She has written hundreds of articles and social media posts on topics that interest her and her readers: prevention and early detection. Her book series; The Purple Guide, is the only book series developed and published with the sole purpose to...

Patti DeMatteis

ASDH , RDH , co-founder of DHE

"Dental Hygiene Excellence coaches are excited to have StellaLife, a wonderful product that can control pain and promote healing with no opioid use! We have been experiencing awesome results with StellaLife gel and rinse as a adjunctive therapeutic product for patients who have periodontal therapy or other pathologic conditions for...

Jan Lazarus

The JP Institute

I am continually researching and evaluating products that may be valuable to our patients and clients. In order for us to even consider trying or recommending a new product to a patient or our clients, we need to have solid science that ensures the safety and efficacy to promote healing without...

Linda Miles

CSP , CMC , Oral Cancer Cause

"My younger sister Barbara suffered from the dry mouth after her open heart surgery three years ago. She tried many products but not until StellaLife did she find permanent relief from dry mouth. On a recent visit to visit me, I mentioned StellaLife….For the first time in three years, she...

Katrinna Jackson

RDH , co-founder of CE Zoom


Marilen Price


We recommended StellaLife to all our surgical patients and they want to continue that product even after their final postoperative visit.