Learn why innovative dental & medical professionals use and recommend StellaLife®.
Dr. Michael A. Pikos
"...The dramatic change we have seen has been very impressive. We now have patients asking for more StellaLife..."
Dr. Jason Stoner
We have yet to uncover the limitations of this product.
Dr. Lee Sheldon
I have seldom seen a safe breakthrough product of this magnitude.
Dr. Jennifer Doobrow
A significant reduction in our patients’ post-operative pain, discomfort,and swelling with enhanced wound healing.
Dr. Jeanne Salcetti
The use of the StellaLife program increased post-surgical success rate and has been spectacular.
Dr. Walter Tatch
My patients are overwhelmingly grateful and satisfied with the result, and I see the benefits on a daily basis.
2022 Top Oral Healing Product award by DA
StellaLife VEGA Oral Care was awarded the 2022 Top Oral Healing Product for the fourth year in a row by Dental Advisor! StellaLife® is a biotech company on a mission to...
2021 Top Oral Healing Product award by DA
StellaLife was awarded 2021 Top Oral Healing Product for the third year in a row by Dental Advisor
2020 Top Oral Healing Product
Dental Advisor awards StellaLife VEGA Oral Care the 2020 & 2019 Top Oral Healing Product, two years in a row!
Why StellaLife?
Learn why Periodontists use and recommend StellaLife, awarded 2019 & 2020 Top Oral Healing Product
Dr. I. Stephen Brown
I frequently mention how StellaLife program is helping advance the field of dentistry to my Perio residents at UPENN and Temple.
Dr. Jin Y. Kim
StellaLife is an excellent program with a broad spectrum of applications to improve the well-being of our patients
Dr. Joseph McCartin
This is the best product I ever had. I have a cancer patient on chemo and this is the only product allows her to eat
2019 Top Oral Product
Dental Advisor awards StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit 2019 Top Oral Healing Product
Dr. Amar Katranji
The overall response has been incredibly positive and patients have chosen to continue use after primary healing
Dr. David Scharf
For pain or discomfort, they apply the Gel and get immediate relief. Very happy with StellaLife.
Dr. David Lee Hill
StellaLife benefits patients with faster healing & clinicians by reducing the need for various pain modalities.
Dr. Ravichandra Juluri
Patients had little to no pain or discomfort when they used StellaLife VEGA Oral Care.
Dr. Roger Parkes
StellaLife is an excellent addition to any surgical or palliative treatment. I highly recommend it.
Dr. Maria Ferriol
StellaLife revolutionized how I practice because my patients get better healing and less discomfort.
Dr. Sam Bakuri
Our patients enjoy fast post-surgical healing or those dealing with Lichen Planus and other auto-immune conditions.
Dr. Sunny Drake
Over a post-op period of 7 days my patients experience less pain, swelling, bleeding, and bruising.
Dr. Andrew MacConnell
StellaLife is excellent for wide range of patients, easy to use at home and helps with oral health.
Dr. Ryan Jouett
Implant patient with an infection used the Recovery Kit for 3-day before the surgery, and when she came back, everything looked fantastic to proceed with the surgery.
Dr. Ann Kania
We prescribe fewer opioids because of StellaLife
Dr. Amir Hosseini
"StellaLife heals patients faster with less pain and fewer opioids and ScheduleWidget has increased new patient flow. Great for my patients, team and practice.”
Dr. Joe Griffin
We use StellaLife for all of our surgical patients, including implants, extractions, and all of our gum surgeries. The results have been fantastic.
Dr. Phillip J. Hedger
We have been using StellaLife Recovery Kits for a long time to minimize bleeding and inflammation to accelerate the healing process. StellaLife is Stellar!
Dr. Allison Beehner
Patients love the natural, safe, yet amazingly effective ingredients. StellaLife products taste great and work quickly.
Dr. Ben Walter
StellaLife VEGA Oral Care products are awesome and my patients enjoy them immensely.
Dr. Erica Zolnierczyk
Helping patients achieve best results from a tongue-tie revision using StellaLife
Dr. Lauren Eichblatt
We use StellaLife for all of our procedures. Our patients tell us they have minimal pain, swelling and it tastes great.
Dr. Robert Haraden
I place the gel inside the denture, and in 24 hours, we find the tissue healed much faster, no infections and no bleeding.
Dr. Missy Baker
My personal experience with StellaLife Recovery Kit was fabulous!
Dr. Robert Tentler
We have incorporated StellaLife for both surgical and non-surgical procedures, including our hygiene program.
Dr. Van Tassell
All of our All-on-4 patients use the Recovery Kit with great success. Patients love the faster healing.
Dr. David Hanle
StellaLife has turned a family member's life around back to enjoyment,being happy, and functioning normally. Thank you, StellaLife!
Dr. Waleed Rhebi
My patients keep asking for a refill after first use. StellaLife is my first choice for healing for me personally and my patients.
Dr. Sarah Herd
Patients and I like StellaLife outcomes, because it helps with healing, and I don't get complaints.
Dr. Amy Creech Gionis
StellaLife natural spray was more effective than all of the narcotic pain medication physicians gave my sister.
Dr. Jeremy K. Ueno
The recovery with our patients is phenomenal. Our patients love it is natural and easy to use.
Dr. Jennifer Roe
StellaLife products are unbelievable for swelling, bleeding, gingival inflammation, and Lichen Planus.
Dr. Eric C. Weiss
...quicker healing, less pain and opioids. It has been great for our patients and an excellent addition to our practice.
Dr. Cecilio Po
Because healing is so good, my patients want more. Compliance has been great. The difference is seeing it is believing it.
Dr. Marq J Sams
...Patients with the auto-immune condition have seen StellaLife work even better than even steroids...
Dr. James Martin
...it is very helpful to have instructions right on the box - 3 3 3 easy to use protocol. Patients love it and speak very highly of StellaLife.
Dr. Bakuri - Tissue-Friendly Post-Op Care
Dr. Sam Bakuri recommends StellaLife as a game-changer in a more natural approach to dentistry.
Dr. Tatch - Opioids Reduction
To reduce opioid prescriptions, Dr. Tatch is providing patients with natural pain management products with great results.
Dr. Josh Brower - Dentistry Innovations
Dr. Josh Brower shares some of the new and innovative products that caught his eyes during the recent 2020 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting and Lab Day and describes the...
Dr. Ellie Campbell - DO, MS, FAAOSH, GA
Family physician and AAOSH board member Dr. Ellie Campbell explains the importance of Oral Systemic Health.
Dr. Susan Maples - AAOSH Board Member
Sit down with Michigan's Dr. Susan Maples to talk about how she focuses on more than just teeth in her dental practice.
Dr. Stoner - Opioid Crisis
Addressing Opioid Crisis: Dr. Stoner tells how use of StellaLife products resulted in an 80% reduction in prescribed opioids.
StellaLife® vs. CHX w/ Dr. Miron
Dr. Miron goes over a study that was done showing how CHX is very harmful for patients to use post-surgically and why the StellaLife VEGA® Oral Care Rinse is an...
Dr. Thomas Bilski
Dr. Bilski goes over why StellaLife is an amazing alternative to Chlorhexidine for pre and post-op surgical procedures, as well as daily hygiene.
Dr. Susan Maples - AAOSH Board Member
Dr. Susan Maples discusses some of her favorite things about StellaLife.
Dr. Fadi Assaf
Dr. Fadi Assaf shares his StellaLife story at the Pikos Symposium 2020 about how his patients experience less inflammation and less discomfort, which makes them happier!
Dr. Eric Rindler - Oncology
Dr. Eric Rindler recommends StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit as a game-changer in a more natural approach for oncology patients.
Dr. Mark Cannon, AAOSH Board Member
"If we have a patient with Aphthous Ulcers, we keep gel here for our patients and they leave with a gel. If you do a laser procedure or frenectomy or...
Dr. Chedly Schatzie Vincent
Having the patients come back just a few days later, you can just really see the difference in how the tissue healed and how it formed.
Dr. Chris Martin
Dr. Chris Martin wasn't a fan of hand sanitizer, until he tried our StellaLife® Moisturizing Natural Hand Sanitizer!
Dr. Michael Kreitzer
Dr. Michael Kreitzer rates his experience with StellaLife as incredible!
Dr. Robert Heller - Midwest Implant Institute
See why Dr. Heller of the Midwest Dental Institute recommends StellaLife for all pre and post surgical needs as opposed to CHX.
Dr. Scott Froum
Is your hand sanitizer toxic and harmful?
Dr. Mark Williamson
Dr. Mark Williamson shares why StellaLife is a must in his office while at the Pikos/Urban Symposium in Orlando, FL.
Dr. Scott Schumann
Over at the Pikos Institute, Dr. Scott Schumann shares his appreciation for StellaLife's natural solution.
Dr. Hal Jeter
"This stuff is gold!" is how Dr.Hal Jeter's patient describes the StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit post-op.
Dr. Brian Shah
"We have had wonderful results, and I have nothing but good things to say about the product." -- Dr. Brian Shah shares his experience with the StellaLife products while attending...
Dr. Ash Haeri
"Patients love it. I can't keep enough in the practice. They are just going right off the shelves." - - Dr. Ash Haeri
Dr. Daniel Delrose
"It is just amazing. It has changed the way we practice surgery, our periodontal program, everything in our office." -- Dr. Daniel Delrose
Dr. Katelyn Du
"What is in this stuff? Everyone needs to know about it! -- Dr. Katelyn Du's Patient
Dr. Nicole Vane
"I just can't say enough good things about this new product" -- Dr. Nicole Vane
Dr. Gary Kanemura
"I've been using the StellaLife for a couple of years now and had wonderful results compared to Peridex and Chlorhexidine." -- Dr. Gary Kanemura
Dr. Mark Iacobelli
"We prescribe far less narcotics than we ever did before, and our outcomes have been better." -- Dr. Mark Iacobelli
Dr. Cathy Hung
We are pleased to have one of the authors of Behind Her Scalpel: A Practical Guide To Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery With Stories Of Female Surgeons using StellaLife in her...
Dr. Anish Gupta
"Patients say that they feel like they don't have as much pain compared to before I was using it. Patients seem to be healing faster on their post-op checks, and...
Dr. Rennie Cheung
"The only medication she had to take was just simple Advil. I wouldn't have believed it unless I saw it myself." -- Dr. Rennie Cheung
Dr. Khaled Sinjab
"I love how it does not kill the fibroblast, it kills the bacteria." -- Dr. Khaled Sinjab
Dr. Catalin Constantin
"Patients are excited about the product when I talk about the product first. But the main thing is the results that we get." -- Dr. Catalin Constantin
Dr. Michael Potts
"It's been a boon to my practice because I do a lot of surgery and it's just cut the healing time in half. It's wonderful." -- Dr. Michael Potts
Dr. Christopher Hughes
"It's been a great thing to introduce into our practice. Number one, we see wonderful results post-operatively with our patients. It really has helped tissue healing a lot more than...
Dr. Cynthia Brattesani
"Patients come into my practice, they feel a difference, I see a difference. It makes for an incredible day in my practice. Especially the hygiene room." -- Dr. Cynthia Brattesani
Dr. Jessica Gibbs
"We cycled out CHX and started using StellaLife and so far we have noticed huge results. The patient's gums look firm and pink and healthy within a day or two. Which I've...
Dr. Chris Truong
"What I have seen is my patients have a lot less post-op problems. Pain is less and they use pain medication less." -- Dr. Chris Truong
Dr. Parnam “Patrick” Mohanna
"Beside the fact that I use this product inter-procedurally while we are doing implants, or we are doing any bone grafting or soft tissue grafting. This product is very helpful...
Dr. Lee Sheldon
Dr. Lee Sheldon discusses the importance of standing up against opioids and how he practices safe pain management in his practice in this featured expert tip video by the Seattle...
Dr. Teresa Lozano & Dr. Mariana Velazquez
Dr. Teresa Lozano & Dr. Mariana Velazquez share their experience using StellaLife in their office down in Miami, FL.
Dr. Adam M. Hogan
"...I want to give a shout out for StellaLife here. It's been an absolutely amazing product. We've been giving it to all of our all-on-four patients for over a year...
Dr. Thaer Alqadoumi
Dr. Thaer Alqadoumi shares how StellaLife helped transition his practice from using Peridex, helping patients heal faster.
Dr. Sibera Brannon
Dr. Sibera Brannon shares how StellaLife helped significantly reduce his patients' post-op discomfort.
Dr. Kathy Daroee
Dr. Kathy Daroee shares a few of the many benefits she found using StellaLife in her practice.
Dr. Kate Schacherl
"Whether it's periodontal treatments like guided biofilm therapy or pinhole surgery to address gum recession, we choose StellaLife." - Dr. Kate Schacherl
Dr. Fred Gaeta
Dr. Fred Gaeta shares how much of an impact StellaLife has left on his practice.
Dr. Frederick Marra
Dr. Frederick Marra talks about using the StellaLife Products for last few years with great results throughout.
Dr. Charles H. Davis
Dr. Charles Davis shares the benefits of using the stellaLife products in his practice.
Dr. Ryan Hambleton
Dr. Ryan Hambleton talks about how his patients loves to use StellaLife products.
Dr. Julie Cianciola-Beach
"StellaLife has been a game changer both personally and for my practice." -- Dr.Julie Cianciola-Beach
Dr. Ehab Al Yousef
"It's more natural, tastes better. Patients are happy, we are happy." -- Dr. Ehab Al Yousef
Dr. Carrie Pumphrey
"We have seen a big acceptance from our patients, better healing it's been just incredible." -- Dr. Carrie Pumphrey
Dr. Bradley F. Bale
Dr. Bradley F. Bale talks about importance of oral health.
Dr. Georgios Kotsakis & Dr. Michael A. Pikos
Dr. Georgios Kotsakis & Dr. Michael A. Pikos shares how StellaLife helps in healing.
Dr. Daniel Delrose
Dr. Daniel Delrose highly recommends StellaLife products.
Dr. Symon Stanley
Dr. Symon Stanley shares how StellaLife helped significantly reduce his patients post-op pain.
Dr. Jason Portnof
"StellalLife Vega Oral Rinse and Oral Care Products have been game changer for our practice."--Dr. Jason Portnof
Dr. Thomas L. Graf
"In my opinion, the best mouth rinse on the market, especially for anything that has to do with soft tissues and so I would encourage everyone to give this product...
Dr. Teresa Scott
"The Oral Care recovery kit has all three products - a gel, the spray, and the rinse, It's amazing. The recovery for our patients is so much better since we started...
Dr. John Ferrin
"Because of StellaLife, our patients are healing faster and prescribe significantly less narcotic pain medication"-- Dr. John Ferrin
Dr. Patrick Fitzgerald
"Big supporters of it, we'll continue to use it in our practice. My patients love it."-- Dr. Patrick Fitzgerald
Dr. Charles Silvia
"StellaLife has been fantastic and huge help to my patients."-- Dr. Charles Silvia
Dr. Andy Burton
"I use a StellaLife on all my full Arch cases as well as other implant cases the the tissue healing is just really phenomenal."-- Dr. Andy Burton
Dr. Katherine Ahn Wallace
"I Thank StellaLife for providing such a wonderful product that I can offer to my patients I love using StellaLife because it really helps my patients."-- Dr. Katherine Ahn Wallace
Dr. Erez Nosrati
"I strongly recommend StellaLife products" - Dr. Erez Nosrati
Dr. Brittany Wall
Dr. Brittany Wall shares how StellaLife helped significantly reduce her patients post-op pain.
Dr. Rose Le
"The healing has been wonderful. I highly recommend StellaLife."-- Dr. Rose Le
Dr. Rosemarie Sheline
"My patients absolutely love it." -- Dr. Rosemarie Sheline
Dr. Rodolfo Gaza, TX
"StellaLife Gel is great for dry socket relief, reducing pain and swelling and good in keeping all the good bacteria in your mouth while eliminating the bad bacteria." -- Dr. Rodolfo...
2019-2024 Top Oral Healing Product award by DA
Dental Advisor awarded the StellaLife VEGA Oral Care 2019-2024 Top Oral Healing Product for the six year in a row! StellaLife® is a biotech company on a mission to improve...
Dr. Beatriz Terry, FL
"My patients love it the fact that it's natural the fact that it's organic the healing is improved" -- Dr. Beatriz Terry
Dr. Catherine King, FL
"I love it myself I personally use it and my patients" -- Dr. Catherine King
Dr. John Thousand & Dr. Michael Romani, FL
"We've noticed very significant improvements in our patients post-operative reports, we noticed that it decreases pain soft tissue healing is superior" -- Dr. John Thousand & Dr. Michael Romani
Dr. Roger Robinson, FL
"Probably one of the best products I've ever introduced to my patients not only for the quality of the wound healing but also the pain management and the and the...
Dr. Scott Folino, FL
"Patients come back for it over and over again" -- Dr. Scott Falino
Dr. Marc Worob, TX
"We've been using StellaLife products for a little over two years they have really changed the level of periodontal care that we give our patients"-- Dr. Marc Worob
Dr. Ellie Campbell, DO, MS, FAAOSH, GA
"I no longer want to practice medicine without the use of these wonderful StellaLife products" -- Dr. Ellie Campbell
Dr. Clair Stagg, FL
"I'm very impressed with all the products they keep bringing out" -- Dr. Clair Stagg
Dr. John Kempton,CA
"Products that StellaLife offers Dentistry to reduce inflammation to accelerate healing to promote a balanced oral microbiome are incredibly important to a component of Lifestyle" -- Dr. John Kempton
Dr. Christopher Durham, NC
"I have been using StellaLife for about two years now and I have seen a tremendous difference with our patients healing"-- Dr. Christopher Durham
Dr. Grant Olson, MO
"We have been using StellaLife for about a year now it's phenomenal it helps us with post-op comfort for patients" -- Dr. Grant Olson
Dr. Jay Neugarten & Mark Sirota, MBA
"Patients feedback has been overwhelming and I think for me the most important thing is that they continue to want to use the product and feel that it has a...
Dr. Jochen Pechak
"Clinical outcome was perfect using the DentaMedica" -- Dr. Jochen Pechak
Dr. Daniel Delrose
"Amazing healing, I highly recommend StellaLife" -- Dr. Daniel Delrose
Dr. Fred Sakamoto
"We allow the patient to continue to use StellaLife for post-surgical healing and we were seeing better results with our healing" -- Dr. Fred Sakamoto
Dr. James M. Bronson
"StellaLife products help our implant patients heal quicker and faster we have stopped using antibiotics with the patient" -- Dr. James M. Bronson
Dr. Andy Burton, DMD, DABOI
"I really love this product it just does a fantastic job of lowering the pain for my post-operative patients" -- Dr. Andy Burton
Dr. Mark Wilson and Dr. Elias Kersten
"The patient experience has been wonderful, our patients love it" -- Dr. Mark Wilson and Dr. Elias Kerstenst
Dr. Brian Coulter
"StellaLife product is great, proactive, and helps with the healing it also has really helped a lot with complaints of discomfort" -- Dr. Brian Coulter
Dr. Shiyamali Sundararajan
"I could see a huge difference in terms of pain swelling and the comfort of the patient" -- Dr. Shiyamali Sundararajan
Dr. Jeffrey S. Dean
"I have been extremely impressed with the StellaLife product and its ability to help my patients through the recovery period, especially after implant placement." -- Dr. Jeffrey S. Dean
Dr. Patty R. Van Wie
"My hygienists and my whole staff love StellaLife" -- Dr. Patty R. Van Wiest
Dr. Jeffrey Mader
"We have been using StellaLife and my patients love it get great healing really good pain control after more invasive procedures and it's a product I would really recommend" -- Dr....
Dr. Ellie Campbell
Dr. Ellie Campbell discusses the Importance of Checking Blood Pressure - expert tip video(Seattle Study Club)
Dr. Jay H. Samuels
"We use StellaLife for a lot of procedures like hygiene procedures, personal procedures, crown Bridge procedures, implant procedures, and post-op surgical procedures it has been wonderful"-- Dr. Jay H. Samuels
Dr. Hugh Flax
"We use StellaLife for all implant cases, we have zero post op complications because of this product. Highly recommended" -- Dr. Hugh Flax
Dr. Elliot Humiston
"My hygienists love it for their patients we see a lot of great recovery from gingivitis especially after SRP as well and the recovery kit and gel has been fantastic...
Dr. Cathrine Myrick
"I can't say enough good stuff about this product and it's my absolute favorite"-- Dr. Cathrine Myrick
Dr. Steve Frost
"I recommend it highly" -- Dr. Steve Frost
Dr. Paul S. Rosen
"StellaLife is excellent and embraced by the patients"-- Dr. Paul S. Rosen
Dr. Kristen Reilly
"I love StellaLife products for pre and post-op regimen"-- Dr. Kristen Reilly
Dr. Rima Patel
"We have been using StellaLife for the last four five years and we have great results"-- Dr. Rima Patel
Dr. Jyoti Puri
"StellaLife products have given me great results my patients are very happy using it it's non-toxic and very helpful it accelerates healing"st
Dr. Lauralee Nygaard
Dr. Lauralee Nygaard - The Power of Sharing Knowledge(Seattle Study Club)
Dr. Parul Dua Makkar
I have gotten great results and great feedback from my patients -- Dr. Parul Dua Makkar
Dr. Susan Estep
"StellaLife is an all-plant-based healing kit for surgery cases it reduces infection, inflammation and pain"-- Dr. Susan Estep
Dr. Rosanna Perello
The rinse the gel and the spray, which is really wonderful. You see really good healing, and Patients are really happy about it.
Dr.Rosanna Perello - Spanish Version
Dr.Rosanna Perello - Spanish Version
Dr. Claire Stagg, DDS MS FAACP
We use so many different StellaLife products, and it helps the healing process for a non steroidal as well as non opioid resolution. Video Transcription: Hello, my name is Dr....
Dr. Matthew Asaro
"I am a big fan of StellaLife" -- Dr. Matthew Asaro
Dr. Jackson Smith
"Patient happy, I am happy, and all it took was StellaLife" -- Dr. Jackson Smith
Dr. Symon Stanley
"It increases healing time in my experience and massively decreases postoperative pain I would recommend StellaLife."-- Dr. Symon Stanley
Dr. Tarek Assi
StellaLife Before/After Dental Surgery Protocol
Dr. Sweet Nicole
"We are using the Recovery kit as an effective and safe way to manage our patients pain."-- Dr. Sweet Nicole
Dr. Amir. D Hosseini
"My patients love the flavor and taste of StellaLife. After using StellaLife, patients are experiencing better healing and less discomfort".-- Dr. Amir. D Hosseini
Dr. Scott H Froum DDS
"Advancing Periodontal Care: Insight on Patient Healing with StellaLife Products" by Dr. Scott H Froum DDS
Dr. Jeremy K. Ueno
"We are seeing really great results and can't say enough about how much we love the product, and we'll continue to use the StellaLife products".-- Dr. Jeremy K. Ueno
Dr. Martin Salgueiro
"Our patients are satisfied with the excellent healing results".-- Dr. Martin Salgueiro
Dr. Maria Sokolina, DDS
"We recommend our patient StellaLife products for pain and swelling relief."--Dr. Maria Sokolina, DDS.
Dr. Ralph Mensah, DDS, FICOI, AIAOMT
"We have seen great results with a large number of our patients."-- Dr. Ralph Mensah
Dr. Whitney Weiner, DDS
"A lot of our dry mouth patients love this for oral hydration so by far the best product." -- Dr. Whitney Weiner
Dr. Eman Traynor, DMD
"Recovery kits have created so much benefits for patients with autoimmune issues going through chemotherapy issues and periodontal surgical treatment. it's truly it's really a revolutionary product."-- Dr. Eman Traynor
Dr. Natasha Aazami, DDS
"StellaLife products had great results, and all the patients rave about how well they work and taste great."-- Dr. Natasha Aazami
Dr. Claudia Piccolo, DDS
"I use and have been using it for many years, and I highly recommend the StellaLife products." -- Dr. Claudia Piccolo
Dr. Shahad Elttayef, DMD
"I highly recommend StellaLife Products. It's amazing, and it works like magic."-- Dr. Shahad Elttayeff
Dr. Mutasem Al-Thweib, DDS, DMD
"Healing is so fast and amazing. I really recommend it to every dentist who does surgery." -- Dr. Mutasem Al-Thweib
Oral Care
makes oral health and pain management solutions that improve dental patients’ experience. We believe that better oral health comes from better ingredients and better formulations. Our natural approach is an extremely effective alternative to traditional products. VEGA®
Oral Care solutions reduce pain, promote healing and reduce the need for opioids. All done in a more natural way.