Kristen's Story

Consumers' Videos

Kristen at Seattle Study Club in Dallas 2018 shares her experience with StellaLife VEGA Oral Care. Gel to the rescue for mouth sores. Quick pain relief. Works amazing and even helps prevent my sores from flaring up. Just amazing!


Video Transcription:

Interviewer- “The dentist did such an amazing job, but how is all this going?”

Kristen- “So sometimes when I get really stressed out, I develop little sores in my mouth. And Debbie Durako from StellaLife recommended their gel to me, and I applied it.  Within a couple of hours, I felt a million times better.” 

Interviewer- “Well, that's amazing. How do you apply the gel?”

Kristen- “So I just take a little bit on my finger and apply it to the sore. You cant eat or anything 15 minutes after. Eat or drink anything. I would say it's just been amazing.” 

Interviewer- “Can you use it as sort of a proactive kind of treatment so that you don't get the sores.”

Kristen- “Absolutely, so if you feel it coming on, in my case I can feel them coming on, I just apply it to the area and it helps prevent it from flaring up.”