Amiee Higdon, RDH talks about the admiration she gets for StellaLife from her patients.
Video transcription:
Amiee Higdon, RDH - "My name is Aimee, I am a biological dental hygienist from Woodinville, Washington.
Debbie Durako - “And why do you use StellaLife? What does StellaLife do for you?”
Amiee Higdon, RDH - “What StellaLife does for me in my personal world is that my patients appreciate natural holistic ingredients and there's a wide range of products for surgery, numbing for healing after surgery, and bacterial reduction. The flavors are delicious so it's something hard to come by in dentistry. Something that tastes good is natural and it helps the patient.”
Debbie Durako - “Thank you so much we’re so happy you’re using our products we’re so happy to be here and we want to thank everybody that uses StellaLife.”