Vitamin D Deficiency and Dental Health

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Vitamins are an essential part of our health as humans. They are the the fuel that keeps our bodies functioning at peak levels. To keep the utmost oral and overall health every vitamin counts. At this Jacksonville, Florida dental office we do our best to teach our patients how important their vitamins are to their oral health.

What Are Vitamins

Vitamins are chemicals naturally present in most whole foods. They are include vitamin A, D, E, K, C and B. Our bodies absorb these nutrients from the foods we eat and use them to help carry out essential functions. Every vitamin is important however, Vitamin D is especially important for our oral health as it aids in the absorption of calcium and phosphorous which help to rebuild our teeth from the inside. Unfortunately nearly 10 percent of Americans deficient in this essential nutrient, and this is causing problems for their oral and overall health.

Vitamin D

One of the most important minerals our bodies need is calcium. It not only makes up and fortifies our bones and teeth but is needed to facilitate every muscle movement we make on chemical level. Without calcium our bodies would not be able to function. Vitamin D is so important because it is the substance that can “mine” the calcium out of the foods that we eat and enable the to be carried by Vitamin C in the blood to the rest of our bodies. There are two ways we can absorb Vitamin D, the first and most well-known way is through the sun. By absorbing UV rays our bodies actually make this vitamin D – which is amazing in and of itself; however, we still must absorb vitamin D through the foods we eat. Vitamin D is often found in pill form, and added to dairy products, but stores of vitamin D can also be found in mushrooms, fatty fishes like salmon and tuna,and egg yolks.

Vitamin D Deficiency and Oral Health

Vitamin D deficiency causes many serious problems. Skeletal, muscle, cardiovascular, and neurological disorders and even cancer can all be aided by the lack of vitamin D in the blood. The Institute of Medicine has concluded after many years of research that to prevent deficiency people should be getting 200-600 International Units of vitamin D per day – for scale, there are 100 IU of vitamin D in one cup of milk. Because our teeth are made of bones, it is logical that the amount of vitamin D one consumes is important for their oral health. Lack of vitamin D can lead to dental caries, and weak or brittle teeth that easily break, chip, and crack. A controlled study made up of 2,827 children found a reduction of 47% in cavities of the children who received vitamin D supplements. This is extremely important because it goes to show how by protecting your teeth from the inside by giving your body everything it needs, you can prevent cavities, which prevents possible tooth loss, and subsequent dental issues.

Upping Your Intake

It is important to talk with your general practitioner about your vitamin D levels. If they are low, it is important to boost them as soon as possible. By taking a vitamin D supplement, you can can easily reach your recommend IUs per day. However, you can also boost your vitamin D levels by spending a few minutes in the sun without sunscreen every day and eating foods rich in the nutrient. Fatty fishes, like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardines can pack a punch of vitamin D. Also, eggs, milks, cheeses, and mushrooms. You will also find juices and other products like bread fortified with the vitamin because it is so important to growth, development, and human function. If you wish to take the best care of your teeth possible, make sure you’re getting the right mix of nutrients every day. Ask your doctor about vitamin deficiencies, and talk with your Jacksonville, dentist about the best ways for you to protect your smile and your body!


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