Conclusion: .... Probiotics were utilized as lozenges and capsules to improve oral, gut and overall health. StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotic Kit was well accepted and embraced by the patient. After 6 weeks of StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotic Kit, patient presented with a noteworthy reduction in inflammation, bleeding, and probing depths, and indicated they felt healthier. After 4 months of StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotic Kit, patient continued to have improvement in inflammation, 35% reduction of probing depths, plaque reduction from 50% to 4% and bleeding on probing reduction from 90% to 7%.
This was even more impressive, considering the addition of traditional braces. The combined treatment protocol of conventional scaling and root planing with a StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotic Kitt proved to be an excellent treatment. Based on my observations, the StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotic Kit was instrumental in the success of this case