Oral Cancer Cause Socialthon LIVE 2019 with StellaLife
Watch the 1st OCC Socialthon LIVE 2019 with Debbie from StellaLife. Thank you Linda and Robin of Oral Cancer Cause for doing so much important work for bringing awareness on screening and prevention! Watch the video with StellaLife
The Efficacy of Preemptive Analgesia Using a Non-Opioid Alternative Therapy Regimen on Postoperative Analgesia Following Block Bone Graft Surgery of the Mandible: A Prospective Pilot Study in Pain Management in Response to the Opioid Epidemic by:
Cameron Y.S. Lee, DMD, MD, PHD, MPH: Private Practice in Oral, Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery, Aiea, Hawaii 96701; Clinical Professor of Periodontology and Oral Implantology; Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA
Jon B. Suzuki, DDS, PHD, MBA: Professor (Emeritus) of Microbiology and Immunology (School of Medicine); Professor (Emeritus) of Periodontology and Oral Implantology (School of Dentistry); Kornberg School of Dentistry, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19140, USA Read the full study>
Opioid Prescribing can be reduced in Oral-Maxillofacial Surgery practice:
"Pain management is one of the most critical aspects of practice in oral and maxillofacial surgery. The purpose of this study was to measure the change in strong (stronger then 30 mg codeine) opioid utilization after introducing the standardized protocol (Office Protocol) designed for opioid-free postoperative pain management.." - - Walter Tatch, DDS, FACOMS, Diplomate, ABOMS, Fellow, AACS, USA Read the full article>
Canker sores: An old enemy facing new treatment:
"StellaLife Products: Homeopathic remedies utilizing essential oils and other anti-inflammatory agents in mouth rinses have shown efficacy in treating aphthous ulcers. (5) For aphthous ulcer treatment, StellaLife offers a gel (figure 4) that is applied to the ulcer area with a clean cotton swab five to seven times a day. This application can decrease pain intensity and reduce ulcer duration from 10 to 14 days down to just two to three days after onset. The gel’s active ingredients include Aconitum, Azadirachta, Arnica, Calendula, Chamomilla, Echinacea, Gelsemium, Hepar, Hypericum, Ignatia, Mercurius, Plantago, and Ruta. This ingredient combination contains anti-inflammatory properties that are shown to accelerate healing, temporarily relieve pain, and reduce swelling and bruising." - - Dr. Scott Froum, Editorial Director, PerioImplant Advisory, USA Read the full article>
Natural Adjunct to Post-Operative Management After Third Molar Surgery published by Oral Health Magazine
Facts and figures behind the opioid epidemic: 3 clinical methods to alleviate pain and decrease the need for opiates"Removal of wisdom teeth is one of the most common procedures performed in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The most common postoperative complications of impacted lower third molar extractions are extended pain, trismus and facial swelling. These symptoms slow down the patient’s recovery and influence his or her ability to resume normal daily activities...." - - Walter Tatch, DDS, FACOMS, Diplomate, ABOMS, Fellow, AACS, USA. Read the full article >
No. 2: Homeopathic adjunctive therapy—
"Homeopathy is defined as a system of medical practice that treats a disease especially by the administration of minute doses of a remedy that would in larger amounts produce in healthy person's symptoms similar to those of the disease. (6) Examples of homeopathic medications that are used for pain include Arnica montana, chamomile, Aconitum, essential oils, and other extracts...." - - Dr. Scott Froum, Editorial Director, PerioImplant Advisory, USA Read the full article >
Postsurgical discomfort and at-home recovery: 4 ways to make oral care easier
"Sometimes, patients find oral care to be incredibly uncomfortable, whether it's from postsurgical discomfort or pain during at-home recovery from orthodontics, autoimmune breakouts, or undergoing cancer treatments." - - B. Michelle Strange, RDH, MSDH, USA Read the full article>
Caring for oral cancer patients: Hygienists can adjust dental treatment protocols
"Pain from treatment side effects can be absolutely debilitating.2 Dental patients undergoing cancer treatment often require narcotic pain medications and steroids for postoperative recovery. As dental professionals, we may want to offer a natural option for those times when patients feel they don’t want to use narcotics. The StellaLife Vega Oral Care Recovery Kit is a homeopathic treatment formulated as adjunctive therapy for postsurgical treatment that can significantly reduce or, in some cases, eliminate the need for narcotic pain medications and steroids. It can also be used to treat mucositis.3..." - - Kathryn Gilliam, RDH, BA, USA Read the full article>
Homeopathic oral recovery kit: Plus, two resources to consider for pediatric dental care
"The StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit is a breakthrough homeopathic medicine ideal as adjunctive therapy for postsurgical treatment and can significantly reduce, or in some cases eliminate, the need for narcotic pain medications and steroids. This homeopathic system includes a gel, spray, and rinse formulated to be used as an adjunct following wisdom teeth removal, placement of dental implants, bone grafting, osseous surgery, connective tissue grafting, scaling and root planing, etc. According to the manufacturer, this homeopathic medicine is formulated for hydration, periodontal health, and fresh breath. With one application, the rinse kills over 99% of Streptococcus mutans, reducing the anaerobic bacteria load for over three hours, in turn accelerating wound healing..." - - By Kim Miller, RDH, BSDH, USA Read the full article>
5 questions with StellaLife - The Dunn Show
"I’ve recently become acquainted with Gennady Sirota, CEO of StellaLife. His company has recently introduced a number of innovative oral care solutions, and he has a great story to tell. So, I asked him a few questions about the company and its products, and he answered. Here are 5 questions with Gennady Sirota, CEO of StellaLife." - - by Michael Dunn. Read the full article >
StellaLife Inc. launches Vega Oral Care system of homeopathic oral healing products
"New homeopathic oral healing products have been designed to help manage postsurgical oral pain, accelerate healing, reduce the need for narcotics, and promote long-term oral health" - - by DentistryIQ Editors Read the full article >