Dr. Jackson Smith

Clinicians' Videos

"Patient happy, I am happy, and all it took was StellaLife" -- Dr. Jackson Smith

Video transcription:

Hi, I am Dr. Jackson Smith. I was introduced to StellaLife at the care Symposium when I first joined back in 2022 since then I have used them in conjunction with many of the procedures I have in my clinic, most specifically the vitamin D supplementation as a dental sleep medicine doctor I am constantly dealing with sleep fragmentation or bad sleep efficiency and one of the things that help sleep is a vitamin D score some 60 and 8 well we had a patient come into our clinic and she was on a mad was treated with a HI less than five was all good unfortunately her sleep was still terrible she had 24% efficiency put her on a vitamin D supplementation tested her at Vitamin D she was at 18 kept her on a regimen and by the time we finished she was at 64 and her sleep fragmentation or efficiency he went up to 84% so patient happy I'm happy, and all it took was StellaLife.