Dr. Matthew Asaro

Clinicians' Videos

"I am a big fan of StellaLife" -- Dr. Matthew Asaro

Video transcription:

My name is Dr. Matthew and I have a practice here in Los Angeles and I have been using StellaLife for about two years now and I have nothing but the most amazing things to say we've completely done away with Chlorhexidine my practice we decided to switch to StellaLife mainly because it's all organic homeopathic promotes healing and and I have seen it in my practice like how effective it actually is anytime that a patient has any kind of you know oral ulcer or if they you know burn their roof of their mouth from eating like a hot piece of pizza we'll give them the gel and the spray and people love it so much like my patients love it so much that they literally come into the office and ask us if we can sell them more of it and it's it's moved so fast out of my office that we literally ran out and they are on back order so it's it's an amazing product I especially love the antioxidant gel after extractions we use a collagen wound dressing soaked in anti oxident gel going into the socket promoting the healing and yeah it's just an amazing all natural product nobody's allergic to it it doesn't hit the fibroblast so I'm a big fan of StellaLife and I wish they were paying me to say this but they are not.