StellaLife revolutionized how I practice because my patients get better healing and less discomfort. They even come back asking for more StellaLife.
Video Transcription:
“Hi, my name is Maria Farriol, I'm a Periodontist at Stoner Periodontic & Implant Specialists in Columbus, Ohio, and I just wanted to share a little bit of what I feel when my patients use StellaLife. It's revolutionized and it's changed so much the way I practice because my patients do notice enhanced healing. They do reduce the discomfort. They come back and they want to buy more rinse because they just feel like this is what's making them heal and get more healthy. So, if you have any questions, please feel free to call me 614-889-8222. And I can talk to you about how my patients feel about using StellaLife.”