Dr. Steve Frost

Clinicians' Videos

"I recommend it highly" -- Dr. Steve Frost

Video transcription:

Hi, my name is Dr. Steve Frost I have been practicing Endodontics for 30 years. I am a partner of specialized Dental partners and I am here talking about StellaLife and my experience with it. You know I do a lot of surgeries in my practice and one of the things that I used to do was to put gauze in the patient's mouth before they went home to help stop the bleeding and you know it was really kind of rudimentary but about a year ago I found this product through StellaLife and it's awesome, patients have less postoperative pain. I feel like it helps control the bleeding before they leave and the craziest thing is I feel like I have brought my practice into the 21st century instead of sending them home with some gauze. I recommend it highly.