Amanda's Story

Consumers' Videos

My whole life, I had ulcers, and I tried many over-the-counter remedies while suffering through it.  After using StellaLife, my canker sores went away. I can eat and talk again. Even my kids told me how the ulcers went away, and they could speak and eat. We are StellaLife believers!


Video Transcription:

“I'm Amanda Jouett, and I learned about StellaLife because my husband is a dentist and he went to a conference and he started learning about StellaLife. But my whole life I've had ulcers, and I've tried all the over-the-counter remedies for it. I just tried suffering through it. And he gave me StellaLife and told me that it was something that I could try. So I started using it on myself for the cuts and things in my mouth that was caused by ortho, and then also just the ulcers that I would get. And it worked so well for me. The pain would go away. I was able to talk again, eat again without any problems. I started using it on my kids. The next day my youngest started talking about how the ulcers had gone away and he was able to talk and eat again with no problems. So we are StellaLife believers and we will continue to use their product.”