Mouth rinses high blood pressure and nitric oxide by Scott Froum DDS and Nathan Estrin DMD

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Mouth rinses high blood pressure and nitric oxide by Scott Froum DDS and Nathan Estrin DMD Image

Date: April 4, 2024

Antiseptic mouth rinses disrupt nitric oxide production in the mouth, potentially leading to elevated blood pressure. Why does this happen, and is there one mouth rinse that can preserve NO levels?

Nitric oxide (NO) is a gas formed by combining nitrogen and oxygen that acts as an important chemical messenger involved in many bodily functions. NO plays a role in neurotransmission, digestion, cognitive function, and immunity, and it can stimulate the release of growth hormone and insulin.1 NO is extremely important in cardiovascular function as it is a potent vasodilator, improves oxygen flow, decreases peripheral artery disease, decreases blood pressure, and reduces angina.

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