"Removal of wisdom teeth is one of the most common procedures performed in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. The most common postoperative complications of impacted lower third molar extractions are extended pain, trismus and facial swelling. These symptoms slow down the patient’s recovery and influence his or her ability to resume normal daily activities....
In this series of case reports patients recovered 1-2 days more quickly when compared with the average patient in other studies who received oral or submucosal corticosteroids...
Based on this series of case reports, some testable hypotheses for further studies of the effectiveness of VEGA Oral Recovery Kit (Fig. 3) after surgical removal of impacted third molars were generated. The Kit may provide a natural alternative to steroids and narcotic pain meds while accelerating healing in patients undergoing various dental procedures." - - Dr. Walter Tatch, DDS, FACOMS, Diplomate, ABOMS, Fellow, AACS, USA.