Dr. Claire Ferrari

Innovator Series

Title: What happens when we do serial extractions?

Dr. Claire Ferrari, a renowned orthodontist for over 30 years shares her expertise on serial extractions. Dr. Ferrari was trained at the University of Michigan, University of Washington and the University of California San Francisco and was on the faculty at UCSF early in her career.

As a fellow at UCSF, she learned about Invisalign® from its founders and was among the first to adopt this technology. She took a year-long intensive course with the Airway Collaborative, where she learned about the science of sleep and how breath affects everything from oral health to brain function. Dr. Ferrari uses CBCT and airway analysis with 3D imaging. In this special Innovators Series edition, she shares cases of patients for whom she provided rehabilitation after undergoing serial extractions as children, allowing them to breathe and chew normally.

visit: https://ferrariorthodontics.com/