"My patients love it the fact that it's natural the fact that it's organic the healing is improved" -- Dr. Beatriz Terry
Video Transcription:
Hi, I'm Beatriz Terry, Periodontist, in Miami, Florida and I'm here to tell you that StellaLife is an excellent product five years ago they approached me about getting it and using it in my practice and I said no as a periodontist you know we're all about science and literature based and they didn't have any literature on it but five years since they have they have lots of research to show it works a lot of case studies and so I've been using it I'm super proud customer of theirs my patients love it the fact that it's natural the fact that it's organic the healing is improved I have patients that come by the product even after surgeries perform because they like it so much so I would recommend StellaLife if you have any questions feel free to contact me. Thank you!