"Beside the fact that I use this product inter-procedurally while we are doing implants, or we are doing any bone grafting or soft tissue grafting. This product is very helpful for patients such as, very severe cases of erosive lichen planus." -- Dr. Parnam “Patrick” Mohanna
Video transcription:
“Hi, I'm Dr. Mohanna from 918 dentist. I practice general dentistry and implant dentistry in Glenpool, Oklahoma. I'm not an actor, I do not get any kickbacks from StellaLife, I just believe in their product. I have used their product for several years. It has helped my patients tremendously. Beside the fact that I use this product inter procedurally while we're doing implants or we're doing any bone graftings or any soft tissue graftings, this product is extremely helpful for patients such as very severe cases of erosive lichen planus. I had a patient that was declined by many of my colleagues for procedures such as extractions, bridge prep, root canal therapy, and crown placement. We placed the patient on three weeks of StellaLife gel, and after three weeks, we were able to do all the procedures for the patient and not out of my mouth, out of the patient's mouth, it was absolutely life changing for the patient. And when I hear that from a patient, that, to me, is the best testimony that this product works. So I strongly recommend to my colleagues either they are oral surgeons or they are periodontists or general dentists to give this product a try. Thank you.”