Lora Hooper, BSDH, RDH, EFDA

Dental Hygienists' Videos

Learn why Lora Hooper, BSDH, RDH, EFDA ranks StellaLife VEGA Oral Care as top 20 recommended products by the DHE Method.


“Hi, guys, welcome to Dental Hygiene Excellence. This is Lora, and I'm just calling on all my hygiene warriors'. We're going to start posting on here and we just want to talk about ways that we can help our patients at home. So we're going to start doing just live Facebook on different products and things that our patients can actually purchase over the counter. And I think that's really important as they're not able to come and see us in the dental office. We can actually share these videos with our community because the last thing that we want to happen is that our patients come in a lot worse off than when they left. So we want to help maintain that relationship and educate them at the same time with things that they can be doing at home. And so I'm going to start here first with you our hygiene warriors. Get on our Facebook page here live. We're going to be talking about products and things to share and educate. So some of the things that are going to be coming up that I want to share is a lot of people ask me what I'm doing here at home for myself and for my family. So I'm just going to touch on a couple of the products and things that will be coming up. StellaLife, homeopathic therapies, things like this, the gel, the rinse, the spray. We'll be talking about that as well, learning about the products and also xylitol in here. So why that's on our kind of top, top 20 list that we'll be talking about. I am a component of vitamin C, keep these packets around for my children. But what a lot of people don't realize is that even though we can be taking our vitamin C, we still need our D-3. So getting outside or taking that, we'll be talking about magnesium, selenium, even melatonin, things that are really important, especially for certain age groups on keeping your immune health. Stress, meditation. Going to hear me again about probiotics. My children, yes, definitely take their probiotics. Got probiotics. Well, we know this biggest nerve are remember our brain and gut are talking to each other. So it's super important, everything we're swallowing. And then what our brain is signaling. So we're going to talk more and more about that. Also going to talk about cells and our redox and what we can be doing, simple things as well as this over the counter that we can be getting and purchasing as well as zinc. A lot of my patients hear me talk about zinc, but zinc as well. And we'll go into a few other things, such as chlorine, things like that, hydrogen peroxide. So we're going to be talking about a lot of things. I'm going to urge my hygiene warriors to join me, get on our Facebook page, let's start educating each other, let's start communicating, talk about what we're doing, and then we're going to be creating messages that you can send out to your patients because I think that's so important is to help shut down decay and periodontal disease, but also the secondary effects it's having on keeping us healthy. We want to keep our immune health healthy and strong and be going on. So stick with us and we're going to help guide you through these next couple of weeks. So whether it's two weeks, 12 weeks, whatever that may be, we're here to support you and help you and look forward to seeing all of you talk to you soon. Bye.”