Patti DeMatteis, ASDH, RDH, co-founder of DHE

Dental Hygienists

Patti DeMatteis, ASDH, RDH, co-founder of DHE Image
"Dental Hygiene Excellence coaches are excited to have StellaLife, a wonderful product that can control pain and promote healing with no opioid use! We have been experiencing awesome results with StellaLife gel and rinse as a adjunctive therapeutic product for patients who have periodontal therapy or other pathologic conditions for faster healing and pain control. The dentists we work with are finding their patients are having incredible drug-free healing and comfort results after surgery. The DHE team are hygienists who are still practicing and have experienced the benefits of StellaLife gel in the clinical setting in our own practice. A recent case was with a 38-year-old woman who had full mouth extractions (21 teeth) and an immediate denture placed. She came to us 1-week post-surgery with much discomfort and expressed frustration in OTC products she tried. She was instructed to use the StellaLife gel in her new denture before placing it in her mouth as often as she felt tenderness or pain. She started using it about 5-7 days post-surgery and stated, “As long as I used it consistently I had no sores in my mouth and swelling went down faster than I expected, and my dentist said that healing was much faster than he expected. When I started using it, I stopped needing any Advil and I did not need to use any painkiller at all, either systemically or orally. It definitely kept my pain under control." We are finding the patients are very compliant with the product as it has a pleasant taste and feels good almost immediately! Our hope is that we can get this homeopathic product in more doctors’ and patients’ hands to experience the great results and help make a difference in the opioid abuse epidemic!"

Visit: Dental Hygiene Excellence (DHE) Method