Gretchen's Story, TN

Consumers' Videos

Going through a personal cancer journey, StellaLife helped reduce the impacts of ulcers and gave me the ability to eat during chemo and radiation.  My experience was simply miraculous.  I am forever indebted to StellaLife. We love you, and our office loves you!  We believe in you, StellaLife!


Video Transcription:

“My name is Gretchen White, I work for Dr. Ken White, my husband actually in Nashville, Tennessee. We run a practice there. It's a physiologic based practice. And he has been coming out to the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies for over 20 years. And we were introduced to StellaLife through that process, journey, because of the physiologic side of our dentistry. Once we had incorporated that we had seen it do miraculous things with the surgical patients when he's doing implant dentistry? But what was remarkable is I went through my own health journey. I had a huge health scare and our StellaLife representation came in and said immediately to our staff, get Gretchen on the StellaLife while she's going through chemotherapy. And it was a game-changer for me. I'm very passionate about talking about it. And I get emotional because there's so few things that you feel like you still have control of when you're going through a cancer journey, especially when you're on chemotherapy or radiation. And so to have even a teeny tiny piece of something that gives you some power or makes you feel like you're an advocate for your own body, StellaLife did that for me. And the biggest thing was that I was in the oncology ward going through chemo with people who were eaten alive with sores in their mouth, going through chemotherapy. And here I'm sitting with maybe two or three at a time and them clearing up within two to three days with my gel. And so my oncologist, of course, all the instructions are, take baking soda, salt water rinse every time you eat. And rather than doing that, I used the StellaLife rinse and never touched baking soda or salt water rinse. And that was my protocol. And then it kept me from getting any external mouth sores. I use the spray on my lips and I use that rinse any time that I ate. And then if I did get a small outbreak, which is only about two to three sores at a time, I would use the gel and they would clear up within a few days. So it was just one way. One of the many ways that I used to stay as healthy as I could, but keeping that under control and not having to have the weight, the burden of the pain and the misery of not being able to have nutrition and all of that was just miraculous. I know that sounds dramatic to use that word, but it is, it's a game-changer. And I now share this with anybody I know who is going through chemotherapy treatments, that this has to be a part of your protocol to take care of your body the best way possible. And I am just forever indebted to you guys. StellaLife, we love you. Our office loves you, we so believe in you. And we are so part of spreading the word about how you all are helping change lives every day.”