Lichen Planus

Consumers' Videos

"My gums were sore and bleeding. I could barely eat and was in tears with so much pain. Nothing hot. Nothing cold. It was awful, and I didn't know what I had. Dr. Scott Froum gave me this natural treatment along [StellaLife VEGA Oral Care] with antibiotics for Lichen Planus, and now I am a 100% better!  I can eat now! I can brush my teeth without spitting out blood.  I am so grateful and thankful." - - patient of Dr. Scott Froum


Video Transcription:

“My first visit to Dr. Froum's office, I was severely suffering from excessively sore and bleeding gums and I could barely eat. I was in tears and so much pain. Nothing hard. Nothing cold. Nothing hot. Nothing. It was just it was awful. I didn't know what I had. And with his diagnosis and the treatment and the stuff that he gave me between the washes and the rinse and the antibiotics and specifically the natural treatment for Lichen Planus, I'm 100 percent better. I can eat now. I can brush my teeth without spitting out buckets of blood. I am a thousand percent with, between his care and what he prescribed for me. I'm so grateful and thankful.”